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JABUKA – The isle of Jabuka is another island of vulcanic origin, situated 26n/m west from Komiža. It is a steep rock, 97m high, of a pyramidal shape, bare, crude and almost unreachable. Landing is possible in only one place, in the southwest. There is no bay safe from winds. The sea around it is very deep which makes anchorage difficult, the rocks are smooth with no natural relief to moor. Its black volcanic stones contain magnetite needle so when a ship comes closer magnetic needle «goes crazy» and this useful naviganiton device becomes useless.

 Its sea is rich with fish and just endemic species, a black lizard and a plant «dubrovačka zečina» stand its cruel climate. 50 years ago, an endemic gillflower grew on Jabuka but it was unfortunately extinct.

Lokacija: Jabuka, otok Vis

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