Feri Vojković

ocjena 1ocjena 2ocjena 3ocjena 4ocjena 5 (Još nema ocjenu)

Lokacija: Rukavac, otok Vis

Kontakt osoba: Vojković Feri

Adresa: Bonda 18

Telefon: 021

Mobitel: 098 833 111


Web: www.apartments-vojkovic.net

E-pošta: vojkovic.feri@gmail.com

Kategorija: Apartmani

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Feri Vojković
Thor 26.8.2016.

This review contains criticism to the awful staying provided (on payment) by Mirela and Feri Vojkovic in August 2016.
I exposed that directly to the owners but they literally don’t care for anything. I told them I wasn’t happy and Mirela answered just “I know”. !
Considering they brutalize my vacation I wrote a list of PRO and CONS of their accommodation.

- Location in a silent neighbourhood.
- Panorama from the south small balcony.
- Feri seems a smooth person.
- Rei helped to solve our serious car problem riding back and forward to the local garage.

- Request of payment in advance when on site not specified in the initial agreement.
- Mirela is vitriolic and harsh. One morning, after asking me brutally the money (I said I will give to the end of the staying), she defined herself the boss, Feri doesn’t decided anything according to her.
- Mirela is only interested in getting money and she fought for before giving the whole service !
- Mirela said that I paid for 50 EUR and I got a 50EUR worth apartment that according to her opinion have to have all issues described as below.
- WI-FI signal is pathetically weak (about DL 3Mb/s) sherd by all guest and owners (>7pp), not distributed neither relaunched correctly. Apartment 2 doesn’t receive any internet signal inside. Only apartment 1, being over the owner apartment, has strong signal.
- Guest from apt. 1 and 3 pass in front of the entrance of apt. 2. Apt. 2 has no privacy. It is in the middle of the place. This is intolerable !
- Apt. 2 is rent as a normal apartment but it has:
- Less than 25m2 space interior.
- No sofa inside.
- Shower not working properly.
- Air condition in the room emitting annoying plastic gears moving sound while working ON/OFF, disturbing sleeping.
- Bedroom mattress deep mould smelling (I am allergic to).
- No blanket available (when we moved from apt. 1 to 2 because of the availability. Mirela had the courage to ask for the blanket back).
- No full blackout curtain although this was request since the beginning.
- Small covered south terrace looking the seaside shared with apartment 1 in the proportion 1/3 to apt . 2 and 2/3 to apt. 1
- Arbour called by Mirela “patio”, not usable because no protection from main north wind, no Wi-Fi signal, no acceptable lightning.
- Cooker very old and not working breaking out power all the time. We were forced to use 1 cooker only.
- Flatware, cutlery and furnish reduced to the minimum, below the essential. The apartment is not for living but just a Room/Sobe sold as apartment !!! This is not correct.
- Asked for 50EUR back for early departure but Feri denied and said he didn’t care about our problem on lack of ferry on the forecast departure day ! No assistance in the beginning about ferry time and suggestion even if asked.
- Told about local stupid chatter about my reservation lacking of any sense of reservation ! Intolerable.
- SpyWebcam on the 3 corner of the house, against any form of privacy !

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